Warriors Without Weapons - January 2011 AND continuation!!! - Santos, Brazil
Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011
Announcement by Elos
Montag, 10. Oktober 2011
Upcoming OASIS GAME in Holland!
Dienstag, 20. September 2011
Sonntag, 7. August 2011
A note from the german ambassy

Samstag, 30. Juli 2011
Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2011
Social Sculpture & Playground in Moldova
Taking part in the social project from the 12th grade students of the ‘Freien Waldorfschule auf den Fildern’, which aim is, to build together with children and teenagers from the area a therapeutic playground(!) for the TBC-Childrenshospital in Chisinau, Moldavia.
I will accompaniment the whole activities vom 14th - 23th of July as a Social Sculpture (ref. to the artist Joseph Beuys). Working on the process of the social organism, which will include the children and the stuff from the hospital, teenagers from the area, german students and the craftsmen from the company KuKuk. Support activly with cooperativ games, circular dances, conversations, woodsculpting and painting to fertilize the interaction and exchange between the different parties.
After the project i will add some photos here!
Mittwoch, 20. April 2011
Oasis in Europe!!
Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011
Tooooo busy for blogging ;-)
Freitag, 7. Januar 2011
All things have a beginning...
the first big day just behind me! There was a lot of Information, Games, Exchange...wow!
It feels realy great, to be among all those great and different people, with their cultures, views and skins! I enjoy it very much!

And we also went throu the scedual for the month. I can tell you guys, that it's gonna be sooooo impressiv! A big variation and sooooo many things to learn...
PS: Just fund this information hanging around and found it pretty strait forward!