Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010


Do you want to know, what's behind Warriors Without Weapons?

Do you want to know, what exactly an Oasis is??

Do you want to know, what i'm gonna be doing in January 2011?

And what else Elos is doing?

Questions & answers about the programm

and also more informations about the organization,

might be find in the links below!

About the Warriors Without Weapons:

Tipp: There is a nice video with engl. subtitles to see!

(em portuges)

About Instituto Elos BR:

Initiative in Europe/Holland:

And last but not least:

Check out, to see the process, documentation and results of the programm.

Mittwoch, 15. September 2010

I'm IN!!!

Just got this message from Elos. I'm accepted for the WWW2011! Success!!!

Dear Sebastian,

Congratulations! You were successful on the first stage of your initiation into the Art of the Warriors without Weapons.

A large variety of activities and challenges are waiting for you, all of them are part of the process for awakening and improvement of the Warrior’s character:


In order to get prepared for the Warriors Without Weapons, we believe it would be good to give you some information and ask you to think of a few things before we meet as a group.

At that point we will be around sixty interesting people with varied interests in diversity, community and playing to transform the world! We are convinced that within this more intimate setting we can learn a lot with and from each other.

The subsidized cost of the program is R$ 5,000 and next step is to make an agreement about how you will make your payment. We strongly recommend you to fundraise and make a plan for that. Another important aspect of your trip to Brazil is the visa. Our experience shows that a letter from Instituto Elos explaining the objective of your trip is very helpful in the process. We will provide you such letter as soon as we receive the needed data: address, telephone, passport number and your name as written in the passport.

It would be great to have a conversation to tune yours and our expectations about your participation in the program. What about settling a skype call? We hope to hear from you very soon.

Warm regards,

André, Andreia, Edgard, Emi, Hânia, Laura, Mariana, Natasha, Rodrigo, Thais and Val

Organizing Team - The Warriors Without Weapons Program

Dienstag, 10. August 2010

Task No.6

Evaluation means to see the value in something

We want to know how the game was for you.

Tell us about your experience playing the game. What were the positive and negative aspects? How would you change your attitude from the beginning?

Tell us about the effect the game had in you? Did you notice any significant change? What did you consider positive in the process? What did you consider negative, difficult or inefficient?

Your deadline to finish this task is September 16 at midnight.

Don’t forget: You can use photos, mind maps, videos, and more. Allways use your creativity. But remember you must exercise the ability of summarizing. Maximum of 250 words is the limit you can use in your text.

This is the end of a cicle.

Elos Team wishes you GOOD LUCK!!!

Donnerstag, 5. August 2010

Task No.5

Samstag, 24. Juli 2010

Task No.4

We are not alone!

And here the masterplan for the Initiativtime:

Now is your chance to make a difference and do it!!! Decide who can help you and by what means. Tell us how you managed to gather people and who they are. List the skills and resources you can count on. Show us what your planning.

We are crazy to see you in action!!!!

You have until July 19th till midnight to finish this task.

Don’t forget: you can use mental maps, photos, videos, text, slides presentations, music, illustration… use your creativity.

Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010

Task No.3

Great ideas are born from small causes

Improvement in my community,
my surroundings?
What would be my suggestion,
my plan for that?


Within the preparations for the
Mystery Dama Conference,
i decided to take responsibility for the


For me is such a open space during a gathering so precious and important, because it gives the participants space and freedom to contribute and share their skills and themes with others.

So my plan for that task would include following steps:

- get an overview of available rooms and places

- reaserch on existing materials and things i might need to organize

- way of publishing the idea ahead

- how communicate it to the participants

- the time to present it during the conference

- provide pens, sticker and postingboards to write down the initatives

- find a good public spot for the postingboards

- be facilitator and caretaker for the prozess during the conference

Let's see, how it's gonna work out!

Look for a single aspect that can be improved in a community you are part of (your home, neighborhood, school, work, etc.). Share with us in details how you plan to do so.

You have till July 15th to finish this task.

Samstag, 17. Juli 2010

Task No.2

Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010


Sometimes we have to agree,
that nature can be ruthless...

A couple of days ago, on a beautyful, sunny early morning, a bird killed my sunflower...


Sonntag, 11. Juli 2010

Task No.1

Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010

Let's start from the tail of the donkey...

So here I’m. Living one more month in Basel, Switzerland.

My life right now? Involved in

- art projects (GRAHM:,

- youth gatherings (,

- cultural visions (

and beside all that...

- crafts (

Carpentry was also the reason to come to Switzerland five years ago. Before that i have been travelling across europe, by hitchhike of course. Something, i still do.

One of the most inspireing places I have been, before starting my travelling, was in scotland. Spending one year in a community of adults with learning difficulties. Exploring not only the beauty of woodwork, but also getting to know another treasure on planet earth:

>>> caring and working together with people in need! <<<

That was far different of what I did before! Spending 3 1/2 years in an insurance office in Germany I just learned one maxime: TIME IS MONEY.

I don’t quite know jet, why I have chosen this way after school. The future might have the answere... And I also hope, to figer out, why I had the luck to move to Germany, when I was eight.

Leaving my country Poland. Leaving everything behind. The gift for that was the experience of estern and western europe, their different cultures, traditions, behaviors and languages.

So here we are, arriving at the beginning of the hole story... my birth. And what a suprise! The donkey, which we have been looking at, observing and travelling with, turns out to be a great, wonderfull and strong LION!!! And all the way from it’s tail, through the back, over the head - and now, we just sit on the tip of the lions nose...

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhh...... The way of the warrior beginns.

Dienstag, 29. Juni 2010

WWW 2011 - Welcome!

Hi Sebstian,

I got your applications through the site... For some reason it seems not to work even though it does.

Thank you for applying for the Warriors Without Weapons program.

You may already know, but let me reinforce that this is a program designed for young social entrepreneurs. It happens every two years in Santos city, Brasil. Next edition will take place in January 2011.

To be part of it, besides of the application you will take part in a selection process, which is a game: The Way of the Warrior II.This year the game will start by July 1st, so prepare yourself and get ready for it! Your next step is to put together a blog.

To complet your application, please create your own blog following the instructions in the attached file.

Feel free to ask any questions.

If you know people who would be interested in the program, please let them know about it.

Warm regards,

Val Rocha