Mittwoch, 15. September 2010

I'm IN!!!

Just got this message from Elos. I'm accepted for the WWW2011! Success!!!

Dear Sebastian,

Congratulations! You were successful on the first stage of your initiation into the Art of the Warriors without Weapons.

A large variety of activities and challenges are waiting for you, all of them are part of the process for awakening and improvement of the Warrior’s character:


In order to get prepared for the Warriors Without Weapons, we believe it would be good to give you some information and ask you to think of a few things before we meet as a group.

At that point we will be around sixty interesting people with varied interests in diversity, community and playing to transform the world! We are convinced that within this more intimate setting we can learn a lot with and from each other.

The subsidized cost of the program is R$ 5,000 and next step is to make an agreement about how you will make your payment. We strongly recommend you to fundraise and make a plan for that. Another important aspect of your trip to Brazil is the visa. Our experience shows that a letter from Instituto Elos explaining the objective of your trip is very helpful in the process. We will provide you such letter as soon as we receive the needed data: address, telephone, passport number and your name as written in the passport.

It would be great to have a conversation to tune yours and our expectations about your participation in the program. What about settling a skype call? We hope to hear from you very soon.

Warm regards,

André, Andreia, Edgard, Emi, Hânia, Laura, Mariana, Natasha, Rodrigo, Thais and Val

Organizing Team - The Warriors Without Weapons Program

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